Friday, May 20, 2011

22 months

Our little lovey is starting to develop her own distinct personality, "MINE!!"... get where I'm going? She is very sweet and loves her Mommy and Daddeeeeee and Dabee (Grandy) and Gramsie (yet to have a name other than MAMA?) 

Day by day our girl is saying more and more...
slamming her head... saying, "this, this..." and pointing outside and saying "ope, ope".  Meaning take me outside, open the garage door, put on my helmet and let me ride my bike, rather push me on my trike.

What does the....
Duck say? First of all a duck is a "guk". And it says quack quack
Cow say? Baaaaa
Sheep say? Baaaa
Chicken say? Bock BOck BOCK
Little chicken say? spoken softer... Bock BOck BOCK and sometimes at the coaxing of Dabee Beep, beep, beep.
Snake say? ssssss

Hands me her "bink" and says, "yucky".. in other words wash my paci please momma

What is the magic word? What do you say? psssssss (please)

uppie has gone by the wayside... to up.

In answer to who is Mommy's girl? She used to raise her hand, now she says "I do"! Um Ok, El. So we've started to tailor our questions to meet her responses. "who wants to go to the childrens museum" "I do!"

When standing in either kitchen, hers or ours, she likes to say, "Cook"...

When she hears the dog whine, cry, howl, or bark, she says , Bark bark, but when asked what a doggie says, she says woooof.

There are so many more, but these are a few I wanted to savor for myself.