Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New words 19months 1 week

Bow ( she points to her hair)
Zuchini (cini)
Mom? Mom? Mum?
Grandy (This week it's Dabee)
Banana (Lala)
Balloon (lala)

New party tricks:
Standing on 1 foot
Excellent jumping (and actually leaves the floor)
Cat tails (leg out behind her)
Flamingo (foot on knee)

Ellie's on veggie strike this week :)

I got to spend the week with Ellie and we had a great time. Went to the Hingham public library, and Scituate library for Mama Steph (she's great) and had a play date!!!  I felt like a stay at home Mom this week, and loved spending time with my girl!

Friday, February 18, 2011

New words today! just 19 months

Bow (like for her hair)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New stuff!

I came back from a week long business trip and felt as if my girl had changed so much! She is babbling more and more, and imitating things that I do. Her new word this week was "stove" or "ooovvve" as she says it.

Her new favorite toy is the POTTY! We bought one and she could not wait to sit in it, meaning, in the cart at the store and ever since! We've not managed to land anything in the potty yet, but she sure does love it.